If you are new to shopping on Taobao, you will be amazed at what you can find on the biggest Chinese online shopping website. You can find almost anything on Taobao, at extremely low prices compared to many other sites on the internet. You would likely be convinced to use it. However, if you are an international buyer browsing through the site, you will notice that the website is in the Chinese language. This may lessen your desire to shop on Taobao; however, you don’t have to worry. Even if the site is not presented in English, there are still ways to easily shop on Taobao as an international user.

Google Translate
Using Google Chrome as your browser when surfing Taobao offers a convenient way of translating the whole webpage into the English language. The browser has an automatic translation function. The translation may not be 100% accurate, but this will provide you with great information for understanding all the essential details, like product information, payment method, warranty, etc.
Translation Apps
Some popular translation apps are iTranslate and Waygo. Using iTranslate, you can choose from 90 different languages. You can plug in a word or phrase from Taobao that you want to translate into English (or to your preferred language that is available in the app). The Waygo app is able to translate Chinese text in real time into readable English using a smartphone camera. Waygo translates by scanning images, finding relevant texts, and finally creating sensible phrases in English. Additionally, the app does not require internet connection to operate.
Taobao Agent
Taobao agents are native Chinese speakers and are proficient in English as well. Thus, if you have questions about a specific product on Taobao, you can contact them to translate the information for you, or you can even ask them to contact Taobao sellers to negotiate with them on your behalf. Taobao agents aids you in making the whole process of buying from Taobao efficient and convenient. Here are the services that Taobao agents offer:
- Buy from a Taobao seller on your behalf
- Receive your orders in their processing centers and offer storage
- Ensure that products conform to specifications
- Handle returns/exchanges of products
- Consolidate and pack your orders together to help you save on shipping
- Ship your orders from China to your designated address
Effective communication is crucial in buying from Chinese marketplaces. The important thing is that you will be able to successfully buy the things that you want from Taobao. Don’t let a language barrier stop you, as there are many ways you can get around it to optimize your online shopping experience. To get more tips on how to do your online shopping at Taobao, always be on the look out on our new blogs at https://baohero.com/blog.
Comments 13
I want to know how to shop in taobao, can you shiw me how and what i need to do.
I want to know how to shop in taobao, can you show me how and what i need to do.
Dear customer
this link will help you in doing your order
following link may help you : https://taobaoage.com/find-products-in-taobao
this link will help you in searching for the products you want http://taobaoage.com/search-product-in-taobao-using-photo
Best regards
You have to open Taobao in chrome it will automatically translate the Chinese language in to English .. happy shopping
Happy Shopping!
I have downloaded the app. But I cant translate to english
You need to browse the website from the web browser to can be translated, but from Taobao App it won’t be working.
Ведь есть уже русская версия этого сайта.
Dear customer
There is not a Russion version, but you can translate it to English
you may use translation tools like Google Translate, to translate Chinese to English or your local language. Just install Google Translate extension to your browser. For straightforward translation, we recommend that you use Chrome as your main browser as it translates the whole web page without the need of installing an extension. Just open taobao.com and click “Translate” at the top of the page, if you are using Desktop Computer or at the bottom of the page if you are using Mobile. After which, Chrome translates the entire web page at one time. For more information on how to translate web pages using Chrome, use this link: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/173424?hl=en. Most of the time, translations are not that accurate but it offers the best option to understand Taobao better. It will then be much easier to go around Taobao website and find the best deals for the items that you want to buy.
Best Regards
Google probably is the world’s biggest search engine.
Dear Customer,
yes, How may I help you ?
Best Regards,
i have chrom taobao
but i can not contact sellers
it says i need 如果无法打开聊天窗口,请确保已经安装阿里旺旺或千牛客户端
wich i can not downlaod
i tried from many sites
Dear Customer,
You can download aliwangwang if you want to contact with sellers, but Note that this app is in Chinese (Can not change language) and also most of sellers speaks chinese only .
Best Regards,
Customer Service Team