your assistant for buying products in Taobao. As a service provider, we cannot be responsible for the quality of the goods sold by sellers in which is the online marketplace, or the service quality of your chosen courier. But we do our best to make sure you get the best service from us even after the sale is completed by offering you Baohero Aftersale Services. Should issues arise after we have shipped your parcel, please contact us as soon as possible via the order page (for the applicable order) or email us at [email protected].
- Check your Parcel in Front of the Postman
At the time your package arrives in your address, please open and check it in front of the postman to verify if the parcel and items are complete and in good condition. If however, it is in bad state or you discover damaged parts and/or broken marks, please do sign your documents with remarks and take photos of it. Then contact us within two days from delivery. This step will dramatically accelerate the whole aftersale process.
If you have not checked your parcel in front of the postman and you have discovered the package is damaged or has broken marks, please contact us within two days after it has been delivered to you. Please describe the problem in detail with actual clear photo(s) of the package, showing evidences that it is in bad state or has damaged parts or broken marks. Keep the package, original copy of the invoice, and other related evidences.
We will do our best to negotiate with your courier for compensation.
- Item is not as described. Item is different.
Baohero acts as the mediator in buying and shipping your order. It is your choice of the product and seller for which we comply according to your decision. Part of our service is to check product conformity to “your specifications” e.g. product type based on the product links you have provided us, as well as the color, size and quantity. We inspect each product based on these specifications thru sensory evaluation using human senses such as sight, touch, etc, as applicable. But we cannot provide absolute assurance as to the quality of the product as it can vary from person to person. “Slight difference” in terms of color (shades, contrast) based on seller’s published photos, and in actual color normally happens as sellers use commercial photos that have undergone digital enhancement, however such difference is not qualified for claim.
If there is clear product error or material deviation from your specifications such as:
- Wrong Product Color, e.g. you received red instead of blue, or light tone instead of dark.
- Wrong Size, e.g. you received “Small” instead of “Medium”.
- Wrong Product. You received a “different product type”.
For solving the problem(s) above, actual clear photo(s) is necessary.
Contact us within two days from receipt of delivery in order to apply and qualify for claim.
- Lacking item or quantity
If in case there is lacking item or quantity contrary to the accounting of what you have paid for, a witness inspection from shipping company is a must for refund, which means you will have to open and check your parcel in front of postman. We have with us on file the buying history and packing list for every order to avoid having this issue. However, if this happens, it is mostly caused during shipping. Therefore, we need witness inspection to claim your loss from shipping company.
- Weight is wrong.
Please weigh before opening the parcel, and send us the weighing pictures.
Hidden defects and factory defects are not easily noticeable, and are not qualified for claim. You will need to pay for the shipping cost should you decide for return shipping of the product after it has been delivered to you.