Taobao is a home for millions of sellers, but the question is how do you find a Trustworthy Taobao Seller in this very crowded marketplace? Read on as we give you tips in choosing the right seller.

Check Customer Feedback
Customer feedback ratings are denoted by flowers. When a buyer gives a seller “red flower”, it means he is very satisfied with the product and service; “yellow flower” gives a neutral rating, while “black flower” is interesting as it means the buyer is dissatisfied thereby giving the shop a bad rating. And we always get curious to know the reason behind a bad rating as it is something to be wary of. You can check customer feedback in the product page or view its statistics in seller’s detailed service rating page.

Check Taobao Sellers Credit
The customer feedback ratings are processed in real-time to rank Taobao seller in terms of reputation, which is known as seller’s credit. Taobao sellers obtain one point for every positive feedback corresponding to a successful transaction. Neutral ratings does not give the seller any points at all while each negative rating takes away one point from total thus it diminishes seller’s credit score.
Seller’s credit is denoted by different icons, namely, hearts, diamonds, blue-crowns, and yellow-crowns (from least to highest). The type and number of icons represent the number of successful transactions with positive feedback as follows:

Taobao seller with a blue-crown icon ranks higher than a seller with five diamonds. Likewise, one diamond is better than five hearts. You can find these icons on product page, store page, and on product search as well, which appears when you hover the mouse over the shop’s name. These gives you an instant view of seller’s reputation which is a very good measure of seller’s trustworthiness.
Taobao Sellers with Low Credit Score are either New Sellers or Bad Sellers
You can still choose to buy from low rank sellers with diamonds or hearts but “at your own risk”. In my own opinion, Taobao sellers with lower ranks could only mean two things, either they are new shops or bad shops. And you can always vouch for it to check their number of successful transactions and feedback in the last week, last month, last six months, and more than six months by going to shop’s detailed service rating page (when you click seller’s credit score – yellow-crown, or blue-crown, etc).
It is best to buy from Gold crown sellers as they are very experienced in this kind of trade. They have consummated very significant number of successful transactions which received positive ratings.
Buy from Gold Medal Taobao Sellers
You can also easily distinguish taobao seller with good reputation and performance from millions of others as they are marked by Taobao as Gold Medal Sellers. Buying from gold medal sellers almost always guarantee that you receive products that are true to descriptions, with minimum to no delay for domestic shipping in China.

We hope that these tips will help you find reputable and trustworthy sellers, so you will have a great time shopping in Taobao. If you need a reliable Taobao Agent to optimize your shopping experience, Taobao Age is here to help you. You can contact us via live chat at, email [email protected] or whatsapp +8618871488894.
Comments 2
How do I get to the seller credit evaluation section to see their reviews for the week, month, last 6 months etc?
I can read chinese if that helps with explaining it to me.
Thank you
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